FRENCH INDQ-CHINA are all devices used to persuade the miserable coolie to consent to what is really three years* slavery. The Southern plantation is represented as an earthly paradise with all the food one can eat, short hours of labour, and high pay. No mention is made of fines or corporal punishments, or that days out for sickness are not paid. These agents earn from ten to twelve piastres for each coolie hired. The wort is particularly easy after a serious inundation. An armed guard is necessary to convoy to the the procession of coolies who have unwittingly consented to work in the South. Thousands of men by such trickery have been deprived of their liberty and many of their lives, due to conditions on the Southern plantations. The return of disgruntled coolies to the North, as well as Annamite nationalist propaganda, has made it in- creasingly difficult to hire more of such labour. The force of this reaction in 1930 by the murder of Bazin, head of the Labour Bureau.1 The government soon attacked this labour-hiring problem. A first to control native agents was through a system of licensing, Next the recruiting arms were restricted. The state tried to make the cognizant of the terms of his contract, to make the effective, to make the coolie realize that the money he be paid back in labour, and that it was not simply i gift in return for MB signature and the pleasure of taking his photo- Am made to approximate accuracy in the oa labourers3 identity cards, It has been calculated that the of tie village Notables, about 30 per cent of are The of labour on Southern plantations have been the of a literature, and have been ably exploited by the fay the Opposition in the Chamber of Deputies. Tbfe its aad refutation: every fact has been Wd to When aft these remarks have been subjected to seem to emerge. Coolies worked ten m or a for which they were paid about 3*50 and usually their food. Unfortunately tin Kit regulated by the employer but m or caL The cat is indisputably tbfc He collects a OMHnissioa from, each meagre lit tfat to jmm Mm at fantastically he a on even medical supplies* •* €E p, 487.